Thursday, July 12, 2012

Optimum Online Explains Why I Can't Watch Dallas

We finally have an update to our problem. I describe in an earlier post the fact that, even though I'm a paying customer and validly logged in to my account, I am not allowed to watch the new reboot of Dallas while in Romania.

I had sent a message to my cable provider, Optimum Online, describing the problem, and I received the following response:

Dear Keith Massey:

Thanks for your email.

TV to GO allows customers to watch specific programming on a computer or mobile device from any high-speed Internet connection in the U.S. If you are out of the country you will not be able to access the TNT to go.

Thank you for choosing Cablevision.



Now, this basically states what I had already described as THE PROBLEM. I have sent the following response back, to which we have not yet received a reply:

You have only stated what I already know, having tried to watch Dallas while in Romania.

I'm saying it isn't fair and has no rationale. I am a paying customer validly logged in to my account. Whoever has to press a button to allow people like me to watch a show from outside the US can press it and this problem is solved. Telling me that "TV to GO" only works in the US is a circular response. I would at least like to learn why paying customers validly logged in to their accounts are not allowed to watch shows while outside the US. Telling me that they cannot is different from telling me why they should not.

I fully understand that you, the person answering this Customer Support Ticket, are not responsible for the problem I am describing. But I am requesting you to send this matter higher up whatever chain of authority needs to reconsider this matter. Please inform me if and when you have done so.

Adriana Toma and Keith Massey

I remain optimistic that someone somewhere at Optimum Online or TNT will correct this problem.

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