Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Flying Across the Atlantic

My twin brother is currently flying across the Atlantic. I'm totally jealous; I love traveling.

This prompted me to take inventory on how many times I have flown across the Atlantic myself.

By my count, I have flown across the Atlantic thirty-two (32) times.

Now, a certain part of this was while working for the government some years back.

But the lion's share of it was compiled when, married to a Romanian-American for the last ten years, I traveled every summer to my spouse's country of origin.

I have never successfully fallen asleep while on a plane. It's probably the sheer excitement. Either way, when I go to Europe I am invariably looking out over pure blackness as we travel through the night. The return flight I guess is all a place of brightness, I don't look out because I know all I would see is blue ocean.

 Godspeed, Kevin. Enjoy the trip...

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